Achtsame Kommunikation & 5 Rhythmen mit Stefania Kregel

5Rhythmen® & achtsame Kommunikation mit Stefania Kregel
“I believe the greatest gift I can have from anyone is to be seen, to be heard, to be understood and touched by them. The greatest gift I can give is to see, hear, understand and to touch another person. When this is done I feel contact has been made.”
― Virginia Satir
Communication- we are doing it all the time, but often the way we communicate does not bring us what we truly need. We exchange information, discuss opinions, get lost in apps and social media and sometimes miss a deeper connection, a sense of really being welcome, of arriving, landing in each others world.
This workshop is an invitation to explore conscious, connecting communication through movement and the 5 Rhythms map.
We will practice listening deeply to our bodies (so that they don’t have to scream to be heard!), to ourselves and to each other, supported by the soft, receptive acceptance of the rhythm of FLOWING.
In STACCATO we will learn to find our inner truth and express it clearly and authentically, cultivating the courage to be seen and heard as we are.
We will let the rhythm of CHAOS shake off our expectations and fears of how others might react to our authentic expression, bring movement in our usual patterns and allow LYRICAL to surprise us with new possibilities: maybe playful or vulnerable, intimate or fun… from heart to heart or soul to soul.
Landing in STILLNESS, we will be held by the essence which connects us all, an effortless communication in the gift of pure presence.
Stefania has been passionately dancing through the 5 rhythms maps for 20 years and is sharing this transformative movement practice throughout Austria.
She brings the mindfulness, authenticity and connectedness that she witnesses and offers on the dance floor into everyday life as a trainer for non-violent/conscious communication: in her workshops and circles, she invites people to listen more deeply and empathically to each other and to honestly share their own truth.
Not only on the dance floor and in her workshops does she contribute to create the world she wants to live in: as founder and director of projects such as “Tanzelarija- organisation for the promotion of contemporary dance in Bosnia and Herzegowina” (2004-2009) and the community & event space “LendLOVED” (www.lendloved.at) in Graz, she uses dance to foster connection, creativity and community.
Full price 220,- €
Jagati/LendLOVED Members & early birds (booking until 20. February): 200 €
Early birds who are Jagati/LendLOVED members: 180 €
REGISTRATION FORM: https://forms.gle/gBgMnEokhpXXujEd9
Infos & Bookings: stefania.jagati@gmail.com
Lendplatz 40
nach dem PPC, am Parkplatz von Hofer und DM, die Stiege rechts vom DM raufgehen...