a 5 Rhythms Heartbeat Workshop with Chris Camp

a 5 Rhythms Heartbeat Workshop with Chris Camp (Belgium)
This workshop title doesn’t really need any explanation. Boundaries, present or not, are one of those essentials things that shape our life.
As Brené Brown says: “Daring to set boundaries is about having the courage to love ourselves even when we risk disappointing others.” The invitation in this workshop is to start the process of embodying our boundaries, so that clarity can be felt.
In this 5Rhythms Heartbeat workshop we will slowly unpack all the different layers that go into embodying your boundaries. The fear or losing connection, the anger of not being listened to, the pain of all these times we’ve been hurt. As well as the joy we can feel when we are respected in our boundaries and the compassionate connections we can make whilst respecting the needs of the other.
This workshop counts as 2 heartbeat days towards the 5Rhythms® Teacher Training.
Prerequisites: 15 hours of Waves level
Language: English with translation into German if needed
Date & Times:
14 – 16 February 2025,
Friday 18.30 – 21.00,
Saturday 10.30 – 17.30,
Sunday 10.00 – 16.30
Full price 220,- €
Jagati/LendLOVED Members & early birds (booking until 10. January): 200 €
Early birds who are Jagati/LendLOVED members: 180 €
REGISTRATION FORM: https://forms.gle/VuqgMgcMf5w6AnWEA
Producer: Stefania Kregel – stefania.jagati@gmail.com